Entering a new school environment, becoming a part of a larger group with new faces, and understanding a completely new academic process are among the most dramatic changes affecting students. For many this is the beginning of a long and stressful journey that coincides with the emerging confusion and pressures from early adolescence through our teen years. Parents often lament about the rapid transition their children makes from being playful, loving, and optimistic to snarky, cynical and reluctant. Introductory programming is designed to facilitate a “softer landing” for incoming or new students.
Activities focus on simple shared experiences designed to break the ice, help disperse early forming cliques and begin the conversation about kindness, empathy and inclusion. Our program rotations either on campus or nearby give teachers and administrators the opportunity to observe group dynamics, and identify social behaviors both positive and negative ahead of the academic year.
Activity Types
Large Group Games
Each activity and initiative is de- signed to present a challenge with a solution that is not immediately obvious. Participants are asked to organize their group, discuss ideas and potential strategies and then execute them as a team. All activities will be age appropriate and incorporate fun!
Team Initiatives
Groups will be exposed to a series of team challenges. The groups must work together utilizing skills such as group leadership, communication and trust to achieve the tasks at hand. Each activity is followed with a debriefing about how well the group worked together and where they can improve.
Build & Final Challenge
Teams will be supplied with materials to design, build, test and name a vessel/vehicle to be used in a race. Students create a brief marketing presentation about the features of their vessel. Teams are awarded for their imagination, teamwork, and final challenge results.
Introduction Program Quick Facts
Great for:
- Newly Formed Groups
- Tone Setting
- Student Bonding
Expected Outcomes:
- Collaboration
- Team Bonding
- Student Engagement
- School Spirit
- Half-Day
- Full-Day
Program Location Options:
- On-School Campus
- Local Town or State Parks
- MW Preferred Venue
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